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Referring Pays Off!

Are you already a proud tenant of the Modelz Week© Virtual Sedcard? Well, here’s some exciting news for you – you can now boost your benefits by referring new tenants to our platform. It’s a win-win situation for all!

How It Works:

When you refer someone to become a tenant of the Modelz Week© Virtual Sedcard, and they successfully complete the rental process, you’ll receive a fantastic reward of 20€ for each successful referral. This reward will be credited to your account once the referred tenant pays their first rental fee.

Why It’s Worth It:

Referring new tenants not only adds extra cash to your pocket but also helps expand our Modelz Week© community. You’re contributing to creating a thriving and diverse platform for models and artists to showcase their talents. Plus, you get to enjoy the benefits of a larger network of like-minded individuals.

Getting Started:

It’s simple to get started. Just share your unique referral link with friends, colleagues, or anyone you think might benefit from the Modelz Week© Virtual Sedcard. When they sign up and complete the rental process, you’ll be on your way to earning your referral rewards.

So, why wait? Spread the word about the Modelz Week© Virtual Sedcard and watch your earnings grow. Remember, referring pays off, and it’s a fantastic way to be a part of our ever-expanding creative community!

Legal note: The recipients must take care of the taxation of the income from the referral program themselves.